Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca




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Czech is a West Slavic language with about 12 million native speakers; it is the majority language in the Czech Republic and spoken by Czechs worldwide. The language was known as Bohemian in English until the late 19th century. Czech is similar to and mutually intelligible with Slovak and, to a lesser extent, with other Slavic languages.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ab] Ачех бызшәа
[af] Tsjeggies
[ak] Kyɛk kasa
[am] ቼክኛ
[ar] التشيكية
[an] Idioma checo
[az] Çex dili
[bm] cɛkikan
[be] Чэшская мова
[bn] চেক ভাষা
[bs] Češki jezik
[br] Tchekeg
[bg] Чешки език
[ca] Txec
[cs] Čeština
[ce] Çehoyn mott
[cu] Чєшьскъ ѩꙁꙑкъ
[cv] Чех чĕлхи
[kw] Chekek
[co] Lingua ceca
[cy] Tsiec
[da] Tjekkisk
[de] Tschechisch
[dz] ཅེཀ་ཁ
[el] Τσεχικά
[en] Czech language
[eo] Ĉeĥa lingvo
[et] Tšehhi keel
[eu] Txekiera
[ee] tsɛkgbe
[fo] Kekkiskt mál
[fa] زبان چکی
[fi] Tšekin kieli
[fr] Tchèque
[fy] Tsjechysk
[ff] Cekkere
[gd] Seacais
[ga] An tSeicis
[gl] Lingua checa
[gv] Sheckish
[gu] ચેક
[ha] Harshen Cak
[sh] Češki jezik
[he] צ'כית
[hi] चेक
[hr] Češki jezik
[hu] Cseh nyelv
[hy] Չեխերեն
[ig] Cheekị
[io] Chekiana linguo
[ia] Lingua chec
[id] Bahasa Ceska
[is] Tékkneska
[it] Lingua ceca
[jv] Basa Céko
[ja] チェコ語
[kl] tjekkiamut
[kn] ಚೆಕ್ ಭಾಷೆ
[ks] چیٚک
[ka] ჩეხური ენა
[kk] чех
[km] ឆេក
[ki] Kichecki
[rw] Igiceke
[ky] чех тили
[kv] Чех кыв
[ko] 체코어
[ku] Zimanê çekî
[lo] ເຊັກ
[la] Lingua Bohemica
[lv] Čehu valoda
[li] Tsjechisch
[ln] litshekɛ
[lt] Čekų kalba
[lu] Tsheki
[lg] Luceeke
[ml] ചെക്ക്
[mr] चेक भाषा
[mk] Чешки јазик
[mg] Tseky
[mt] Ċek
[ms] Bahasa Czech
[my] ချက်
[nd] isi-Czech
[ne] चेख
[nl] Tsjechisch
[nn] Tsjekkisk
[nb] tsjekkisk
[no] Tsjekkisk
[oc] Chèc
[or] ଚେକ୍
[om] Afaan Czech
[os] Чехаг æвзаг
[pa] ਚੇਕ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ
[pl] Język czeski
[pt] Língua tcheca
[ps] چيکی ژبه
[qu] Chiku simi
[rm] Lingua tscheca
[ro] Limba cehă
[rn] Igiceke
[ru] Чешский язык
[sg] Tyêki
[si] චෙත්
[sk] Čeština
[sl] Češčina
[se] Čeahkagiella
[sn] chiCzech
[so] Jeeg
[st] Se-czech
[es] Idioma checo
[sq] Gjuha çeke
[sr] Чешки језик
[sw] Kicheki
[sv] Tjeckiska
[ta] செக் மொழி
[te] చెక్
[tg] Забони чехӣ
[th] ภาษาเช็ก
[ti] ቼክኛ
[to] lea fakaseki
[tn] Se Czeck
[ts] Xi Czech
[tr] Çekçe
[ug] چېخ تىلى
[uk] Чеська мова
[ur] چیک
[uz] Chex tili
[vi] Tiếng Séc
[wa] Tcheke
[xh] Isi-Czech
[yi] טשעכיש
[yo] Èdè Tsẹ́kì
[zh] 捷克语
[zu] IsiTsheki

Language type : Living

Official language : Czech Republic,

Language resources for Czech

Open Languages Archives

EuroVoc multilingual thesaurus in Czech
GEMET multilingual thesaurus in Czech

Czech Wikipedia
Czech Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Czech language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:tchèque [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Dictionnaire Freelang [fr]
Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Lexilogos Dictionaries [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]
Dictionnaires Lexicool [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Czech.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is cs.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : cs
ISO 639-2B : cze
ISO 639-2T : ces
ISO 639-3 : ces

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: ces

Freebase ISO 639-3 : ces Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages