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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Mandarin Chinese



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Mandarin is a group of related varieties or dialects spoken across most of northern and southwestern China. Because most Mandarin dialects are found in the north, the group is also referred to, particularly among Chinese speakers, as the northern dialect(s). When the Mandarin group is taken as one language, as is often done in academic literature, it has more native speakers (nearly a billion) than any other language. A northeastern-dialect speaker and a southwestern-dialect speaker can hardly communicate except through the standard language, mainly because of the differences in tone. Nonetheless, the variation within Mandarin is less significant than the much greater variation found within several other varieties of Chinese; this is thought to be due to a relatively recent spread of Mandarin across China, combined with a greater ease of travel and communication compared to the more mountainous south of China. For most of Chinese history, the capital has been within the Mandarin area, making these dialects very influential. Since the 14th century, some form of Mandarin has served as a national lingua franca. In the early 20th century, a standard form based on the Beijing dialect, with elements from other Mandarin dialects, was adopted as the national language. Standard Chinese, which is also referred to as Mandarin, Pǔtōnghuà or Guóyǔ (Chinese: 國語; literally national language), is the official language of the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, and one of the four official languages of Singapore. It is also one of the most frequently used varieties of Chinese among Chinese diaspora communities internationally.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[aa] Chinese
[af] Sjinees
[ak] Kyaena kasa
[am] ቻይንኛ
[ar] الصينية
[az] çincə
[bm] siniwakan
[be] кітайская
[bn] চীনা
[bo] རྒྱ་སྐད་
[bs] kineski
[br] sinaeg
[bg] Мандарин
[ca] Mandarí
[cs] Mandarínština
[kw] Chinek
[cy] Tseineeg
[da] Mandarin
[de] Chinesisch
[dz] རྒྱ་མི་ཁ
[el] Κινεζικά
[en] Chinese
[eo] Norma ĉina lingvo
[et] hiina
[eu] txinera
[ee] kinagbe
[fo] kinesiskt
[fa] زبان ماندارین
[fi] Mandariinikiina
[fr] Mandarin
[fy] Standertmandarynsk
[ff] Sinuwaare
[gd] Sìnis
[ga] Sínis
[gl] Mandarín
[gv] Mandarin Chadjinit
[gu] ચાઇનીઝ
[ha] Harshen Sin
[he] מנדרינית
[hi] चीनी
[hr] Mandarinski kineski
[hu] Mandarin nyelv
[hy] Չինարեն
[ig] Mandarịịnị
[ii] ꍏꇩꉙ
[ia] Lingua chinese mandarin
[id] Bahasa Mandarin
[is] Mandarín
[it] Lingua cinese mandarino
[ja] 中国官話
[kl] kineserisut
[kn] ಚೈನೀಸ್
[ks] چیٖنی
[ka] ჩინური
[kk] қытай тілі
[km] ចិន
[ki] Kĩcaina
[ky] кытайча
[ko] 관화
[ku] Zimanê çînî
[lo] ຈີນ
[la] Lingua Sinensis Mandarinica
[lv] Mandarīnu valoda
[ln] lisinwa
[lt] kinų
[lu] shinɛ
[lg] Lucayina
[ml] ചൈനീസ്
[mr] चीनी
[mk] кинески
[mg] Sinoa, Mandarin
[mt] Ċiniż
[ms] Bahasa Mandarin
[my] တရုတ်
[nd] isi-China
[ne] चिनियाँ
[nl] Chinees
[nn] Mandarinspråk
[nb] kinesisk
[no] Han
[oc] Mandarin estandard
[or] ଚାଇନୀଜ୍
[om] Chinese
[os] китайаг
[pl] Języki mandaryńskie
[pt] Língua mandarim
[ps] چیني
[qu] Chinchay Han simi
[rm] chinais
[ro] Limba mandarină
[rn] Igishinwa
[ru] Северные диалекты китайского языка
[sg] Shinuäa
[si] චීන
[sk] čínština
[sl] kitajščina
[se] kiinnágiella
[sn] chiChinese
[so] Jayniis
[es] Chino mandarín
[sq] Kineze
[sc] Lingua xinesa mandarinu
[sr] Кинески
[sv] Mandarin
[ta] சீனம்
[te] చైనీస్
[tg] Чинӣ
[tl] Wikang Mandarin
[th] จีน
[to] lea fakasiaina
[tr] Mandarin
[uk] Мандаринська мова
[ur] چینی
[vi] Quan thoại
[wa] Mandarin
[yo] Èdè Mandari
[zh] 官话
[zu] isi-Chinese

Language type : Living

Official language : Singapore,

Language resources for Mandarin Chinese

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Mandarin language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:mandarin [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Mandarin Chinese.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is cmn.

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ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-3 : cmn

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Freebase ISO 639-3 : cmn Country Information

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Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages