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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca


Lingua italiana


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Italian (or lingua italiana) is a Romance language spoken mainly in Europe: Italy, Switzerland, San Marino, Vatican City, by minorities in Malta, Monaco, Croatia, Slovenia, France, Libya, Eritrea, and Somalia, and by expatriate communities in the Americas and Australia. Many speakers are native bilinguals of both standardised Italian and other regional languages. According to the Bologna statistics of the European Union, Italian is spoken as a mother tongue by 59 million people in the EU (13% of the EU population), mainly in Italy, and as a second language by 14 million (3%). Including the Italian speakers in non-EU European countries (such as Switzerland and Albania) and on other continents, the total number of speakers is more than 85 million. In Switzerland, Italian is one of four official languages; it is studied and learned in all the confederation schools and spoken, as mother language, in the Swiss cantons of Ticino and Grigioni and by the Italian immigrants that are present in large numbers in German- and French-speaking cantons. It is also the official language of San Marino, as well as the primary language of Vatican City. It is co-official in Slovenian Istria and in Istria County in Croatia. The Italian language adopted by the state after the unification of Italy is based on Tuscan, which beforehand was a language spoken mostly by the upper class of Florentine society. Its development was also influenced by other Italian languages and by the Germanic languages of the post-Roman invaders. Italian is descended from Latin. Unlike most other Romance languages, Italian retains Latin's contrast between short and long consonants. As in most Romance languages, stress is distinctive. In particular, among the Romance languages, Italian is the closest to Latin in terms of vocabulary.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[aa] Italian
[af] Italiaans
[ak] Italy kasa
[am] ጣሊያንኛ
[ar] الإيطالية
[an] Idioma italián
[az] İtalyan dili
[bm] italikan
[be] Італьянская мова
[bn] ইতালীয় ভাষা
[bo] དབྱི་ཏ་་ལའི་མི།
[bs] Italijanski jezik
[br] Italianeg
[bg] Италиански език
[ca] Italià
[cs] Italština
[ce] Italhoyn mott
[cv] Итал чĕлхи
[kw] Italek
[co] Lingua taliana
[cy] Eidaleg
[da] Italiensk
[de] Italienisch
[dv] އިޓަލީ
[dz] ཨི་ཊ་ལི་ཡཱན་ཁ
[el] Ιταλικά
[en] Italian language
[eo] Itala lingvo
[et] Itaalia keel
[eu] Italiera
[ee] italiagbe
[fo] italskt
[fa] ایتالوی
[fi] Italian kieli
[fr] Italien
[fy] Italjaansk
[ff] Italiyeere
[gd] Eadailtis
[ga] An Iodáilis
[gl] Lingua italiana
[gv] Iddaalish
[gu] ઇટાલિયન
[ha] Italiyanci
[sh] Italijanski jezik
[he] איטלקית
[hi] इतालवी भाषा
[hr] Talijanski jezik
[hu] Olasz nyelv
[hy] Իտալերեն
[ig] Italo
[io] Italiana linguo
[ii] ꑴꄊꆺꉙ
[ia] Lingua italian
[id] Bahasa Italia
[is] Ítalska
[it] Lingua italiana
[jv] Basa Italia
[ja] イタリア語
[kl] italiamiutut
[kn] ಇಟಲಿಯ ಭಾಷೆ
[ks] اِٹیلیَن
[ka] იტალიური ენა
[kk] Италиян тілі
[km] ភាសាអ៊ីតាលី
[ki] Kĩtaliano
[rw] Igitaliyani
[ky] италиянча
[kv] Итальян кыв
[ko] 이탈리아어
[ku] Zimanê îtalî
[lo] ອີຕາລີ
[la] Lingua Italiana
[lv] Itāļu valoda
[li] Italiaans
[ln] litaliano
[lt] Italų kalba
[lb] Italienesch
[lu] Litali
[lg] Luyitale
[ml] ഇറ്റാലിയൻ ഭാഷ
[mr] इटालियन भाषा
[mk] Италијански јазик
[mg] Fiteny italiany
[mt] Lingwa Taljana
[mn] Итали хэл
[ms] Bahasa Itali
[my] အီတလီ
[nd] isi-Italiano
[ne] इटालियन
[nl] Italiaans
[nn] Italiensk
[nb] italiensk
[no] Italiensk
[oc] Italian
[or] ଇଟାଲିଆନ୍
[om] Afaan Xaaliyaani
[os] Италиаг æвзаг
[pa] ਇਤਾਲਵੀ ਭਾਸ਼ਾ
[pl] Język włoski
[pt] Língua italiana
[ps] ایټالوي
[qu] Italya simi
[rm] Lingua taliana
[ro] Limba italiană
[rn] Igitaliyani
[ru] Итальянский язык
[sg] Ênnde
[sa] इतालवी भाषा
[si] ඉතාලි
[sk] Taliančina
[sl] Italijanščina
[se] Itáliagiella
[sn] chiTariana
[so] Af-Taliyaani
[st] Se-tariana
[es] Idioma italiano
[sq] Gjuha italiane
[sc] Limba italiana
[sr] Италијански језик
[su] Basa Italia
[sw] Kiitalia
[sv] Italienska
[ty] Reo ’Itāria
[ta] இத்தாலிய மொழி
[tt] Итальян теле
[te] ఇటాలియన్
[tg] Забони итолиявӣ
[tl] Wikang Italyano
[th] ภาษาอิตาลี
[ti] ጣሊያንኛ
[to] lea fakaʻītali
[tn] Se Italiano
[ts] Xi Ithali
[tr] İtalyanca
[ug] ئىتاليان تىلى
[uk] Італійська мова
[ur] اطالوی زبان
[vi] Tiếng Ý
[xh] Isi-Italian
[yi] איטאליעניש
[yo] Èdè Italiani
[zh] 意大利语
[zu] isi-Italian

Language type : Living

Official language : Switzerland, Italy, San Marino, Vatican,

Language resources for Italian

Open Languages Archives

EuroVoc multilingual thesaurus in Italian
GEMET multilingual thesaurus in Italian

Italian Wikipedia
Italian Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Italian language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:italien [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Dictionnaire Freelang [fr]
Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Lexilogos Dictionaries [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]
Dictionnaires Lexicool [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Italian.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is it.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : it
ISO 639-2B : ita
ISO 639-2T : ita
ISO 639-3 : ita

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: ita

Freebase ISO 639-3 : ita Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages