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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca


Azərbaycan dili


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Azerbaijani, Azeri or Türki (Torki in Persian) (Azərbaycanca, Azərbaycan dili) is a language belonging to the Turkic language family, spoken in southwestern Asia by the Azerbaijani people, primarily in the Republic of Azerbaijan (8 million speakers), in northwestern Iran (12 million speakers) and in the Republic of Georgia, Russia, Turkey and in other countries with a presence of Azerbaijani speakers (6 million speakers). Azerbaijani is member of the Oghuz branch of the Turkic languages and is closely related to Turkish, Qashqai, Turkmen and Crimean Tatar. Turkish and Azerbaijani are known to closely resemble each other, and the native speaker of one language is able to understand the other, though it is easier for a speaker of Azerbaijani to understand Turkish than the other way around.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Aserbeidjans
[am] አዘርባጃንኛ
[ar] الأذرية
[az] Azərbaycan dili
[be] Азербайджанская мова
[bn] আজারবাইজানি ভাষা
[bs] Azerbejdžanski jezik
[br] Azereg
[bg] Азербайджански език
[ca] Àzeri
[cs] Ázerbájdžánština
[cv] Азербайджан чĕлхи
[kw] Azerek
[cy] Aserbaijaneg
[da] Aserbajdsjansk
[de] Aserbaidschanisch
[dz] ཨ་ཛར་བྷའི་ཇཱན་ཁ
[el] Αζερικά
[en] Azerbaijani language
[eo] Azerbajĝana lingvo
[et] Aserbaidžaani keel
[eu] Azerbaijanera
[ee] azerbaijangbe
[fo] azerbaijaniskt
[fa] آذربایجانی
[fi] Azerin kieli
[fr] Azéri
[gd] Asarbaideànais
[ga] An Asarbaiseáinis
[gl] Lingua azerí
[gv] Asserbajaanish
[gu] અઝરબૈજાની
[ha] Azerbaijanci
[he] אזרית
[hi] अज़रबैंजानी
[hr] Azerski jezik
[hu] Azeri nyelv
[hy] Ադրբեջաներեն
[ia] azerbaidzhani
[id] Azerbaijan
[is] Aserbaídsjanska
[it] Lingua azera
[ja] アゼリー語
[kl] Aserbajdsjaniskisut
[kn] ಅಜೆರ್ಬೈಜಾನಿ
[ks] اَزَربیجانی
[ka] აზერბაიჯანული ენა
[kk] Азербайжан
[km] អាហ៊្សែរបែហ្សង់
[rw] Ikinyazeribayijani
[ky] Азербайжан тили
[kv] Азербайджан кыв
[ko] 아제르바이잔어
[ku] Zimanê azerî
[lo] ອາເຊີໄບຈານິ
[la] Lingua Atropatenica
[lv] Azerbaidžāņu valoda
[li] Azerbaidzjaans
[lt] Azerbaidžaniečių kalba
[ml] അസേരി
[mr] अझरबैजानी भाषा
[mk] Азербејџански јазик
[mt] Ażerbajġani
[ms] Bahasa Azeri
[ne] अजरबैजानी
[nl] Azerbeidzjaans
[nn] Aserbajdsjansk
[nb] aserbajdsjansk
[no] Aserbajdsjansk
[or] ଆଜେରବାଇଜାନି
[om] Afaan Azerbaijani
[os] Азербайджайнаг æвзаг
[pa] ਅਜ਼ੇਰਬੈਜਨਿ
[pl] Język azerski
[pt] Língua azeri
[ps] أذربائجاني
[qu] Asar simi
[rm] aserbeidschanic
[ro] Limba azeră
[ru] Азербайджанский язык
[si] අසර්බයිජාත්
[sk] Azerbajdžančina
[sl] azerščina
[so] Azerbaijan
[st] Se-azerbaijani
[es] Idioma azerí
[sq] Azerbajxhanisht
[sr] Азербејџански
[sv] Azerbajdzjanska
[ta] அசர்பாய்ஜானி
[tt] Азәрбайҗан теле
[te] అజర్బైజాని
[tg] Забони озарбойҷонӣ
[th] ภาษาอาเซอร์ไบจาน
[ti] አዜርባይጃንኛ
[to] lea fakaʻasapaisani
[tn] Azerbaijani
[tr] Azerice
[ug] ئەزەربەيجان تىلى
[uk] Азербайджанська мова
[ur] آذربائیجانی
[vi] Tiếng Ai-déc-bai-gian
[xh] Isi-Azerbaijani
[yo] Èdè Azerbaijani
[zh] 阿塞拜疆语
[zu] isi-Azerbaijani

Language type : Living

Official language : Azerbaijan,

Language resources for Azerbaijani

Open Languages Archives

Azerbaijani Wikipedia
Azerbaijani Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Azeri language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:azéri [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Lexilogos Dictionaries [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Azerbaijani.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is az.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : az
ISO 639-2B : aze
ISO 639-2T : aze
ISO 639-3 : aze

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: aze

Freebase ISO 639-3 : aze Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages