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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca




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Zulu (isiZulu in Zulu and South African English) is the language of the Zulu people with about 10 million speakers, the vast majority (over 95%) of whom live in South Africa. Zulu is the most widely spoken home language in South Africa (24% of the population) as well as being understood by over 50% of the population (Ethnologue 2005). It became one of South Africa's eleven official languages in 1994. According to Ethnologue, it is the second most widely spoken Bantu language after Shona. Like many other Bantu languages, it is written using the Latin alphabet.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Zoeloe
[ak] Zulu
[am] ዙሉኛ
[ar] الزولو
[an] Idioma zulú
[az] Zulu dili
[bm] zulukan
[be] зулу
[bn] জুলু ভাষা
[bo] ཙོ་ལུའུའི་སྐད།
[bs] zulu
[br] zouloueg
[bg] Зулуски език
[ca] Zulu
[cs] Zulština
[kw] Zoulou
[cy] Swlw
[da] Zulu
[de] IsiZulu
[dz] ཟུ་ལུ་ཁ
[el] Ζουλού γλώσσα
[en] Zulu language
[eo] Zulua lingvo
[et] suulu
[eu] Zuluera
[ee] zulugbe
[fo] sulu
[fa] زبان زولو
[fi] Zulun kieli
[fr] Zoulou
[fy] Sûlû
[ff] Suluŋkoore
[gd] Zulu
[ga] An tSúlúis
[gl] Lingua zulú
[gu] ઝુલુ
[ha] Harshen Zulu
[sh] Zulu jezik
[he] זולו
[hi] ज़ुलू
[hr] Zulu jezik
[hu] zulu
[hy] Զուլուսերեն
[ig] Zulu
[ia] zulu
[id] Bahasa Zulu
[is] súlú
[it] Lingua zulu
[ja] ズールー語
[kn] ಜುಲು
[ks] زُلوٗ
[ka] ზულუ
[kk] зулус
[km] សូលូ
[ki] Kizulu
[rw] Inyezulu
[kg] Kizulu
[ko] 줄루어
[lo] ຊູລູ
[lv] Zulu valoda
[ln] zulu
[lt] Zulų kalba
[lu] Nzulu
[lg] Luzzulu
[ml] സുലു
[mr] इसिझुलू
[mk] Зулу
[mg] Zolò
[mt] Żulu
[ms] Bahasa Zulu
[my] ဇူလူ
[nd] isi-Zulu
[ne] जुलु
[nl] Zoeloe
[nn] Språket zulu
[nb] zulu
[no] Zulu
[or] ଜୁଲୁ
[om] Afaan Zuulu
[pl] Język zulu
[pt] Língua zulu
[ps] زولو
[qu] Zulu simi
[rm] zulu
[ro] Limba zulu
[rn] Ikizulu
[ru] Зулу
[sg] Zûlu
[si] සුලු
[sk] zuluština
[sl] zulujščina
[sn] chiZulu
[so] Zuulu
[st] se Zulu
[es] Idioma zulú
[sq] Gjuha zulu
[sr] Зулу
[ss] SíZulu
[sw] Kizulu
[sv] Zulu
[ta] சுலு மொழி
[te] జూలూ
[tg] Зулу
[th] ซูลู
[ti] ዙሉኛ
[to] lea fakasulu
[tn] IsiZulu
[tr] Zuluca
[ug] زۇلۇچە
[uk] Зулу
[ur] زولو
[vi] Tiếng Zulu
[xh] IsiZulu
[yo] Èdè Zulu
[zh] 祖鲁语
[zu] IsiZulu

Language type : Living

Official language : South Africa,

Language resources for Zulu

Open Languages Archives

Zulu Wikipedia
Zulu Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Zulu language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:zoulou [fr]

Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Lexilogos Dictionaries [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Zulu.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is zu.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : zu
ISO 639-2B : zul
ISO 639-2T : zul
ISO 639-3 : zul

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: zul

Freebase ISO 639-3 : zul Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages