Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca




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Complete list of languages This page in other languages : [fr]

]]   <1 /km²   1–3 /km²   3–10 /km²   10–30 /km²   30–100 /km²   100–300 /km²   300–1000 /km²   1000–3000 /km²   >3000 /km² ]] Tswana or Setswana is a language spoken in Southern Africa by about 4.5 million people. It is a Bantu language belonging to the Niger–Congo language family within the Sotho languages branch of Zone S (S.30), and is closely related to the Northern- and Southern Sotho languages, as well as the Kgalagadi language and the Lozi language. Tswana is an official language and lingua franca of Botswana spoken by almost 2 million of its inhabitants. However, the majority of Tswana speakers are found in South Africa where 3.4 million people speak the language, and where an urbanized variety known as Pretoria Sotho is the principal language of that city. Until 1994, South African Tswana people were notionally citizens of Bophuthatswana, one of the few bantustans that actually became reality as planned by the Apartheid regime. A small number of speakers are also found in Zimbabwe and Namibia, where 29,400 and 12,300 people speak the language, respectively.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Tswana
[am] ጽዋናዊኛ
[ar] التسوانية
[az] svana dili
[bn] সোয়ানা
[bs] tsvana
[br] Tswaneg
[bg] Тсвана
[ca] Tswana
[cs] setswanština
[cy] Tswana
[da] tswana
[de] Setswana
[el] Τσιγουάνα
[en] Tswana language
[eo] Cvana lingvo
[et] Tsvana keel
[eu] Tswanera
[ee] tswanagbe
[fo] tswana
[fa] تسوانایی
[fi] Tswanan kieli
[fr] Tswana
[gl] tswana
[gu] ત્સ્વાના
[he] טוניסיה
[hi] सेत्स्वाना
[hr] cvana
[hu] szecsuáni
[id] Bahasa Tswana
[is] tsúana
[it] Lingua tswana
[ja] ツワナ語
[kn] ಸ್ವಾನಾ
[ks] سوانا
[ka] ტსვანა
[ko] 세츠와나어
[lo] ເຕສະວານາ
[lv] cvanu
[lt] Tsvanų kalba
[ml] ത്സ്വാന
[mr] त्स्वाना
[mk] Сецвански јазик
[mt] Zwana
[ms] Bahasa Setswana
[nl] Tswana
[nn] Setswana
[nb] setswana
[no] Tswana
[or] ସେସ୍ବାନା
[pl] Język tswana
[pt] Língua tswana
[qu] Tswana simi
[rm] tswana
[ro] setswana
[ru] Тсвана
[sk] tswančina
[sl] cvanščina
[es] Idioma setsuana
[sq] Gjuha tsvana
[sr] Тсвана
[sw] Kitswana
[sv] Setswana
[ta] சுவான மொழி
[te] సెటస్వానా
[th] บอตสวานา
[to] lea suana
[tn] Setswana
[tr] Setsvana
[tw] Tswana
[uk] Сетсвана
[ur] سوانا
[vi] Tiếng Tswana
[yo] Èdè Tswana
[zh] 茨瓦纳语
[zu] isi-Tswana

Language type : Living

Official language : Botswana, South Africa,

Language resources for Tswana

Open Languages Archives

Tswana Wikipedia
Tswana Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Tswana language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:tswana [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Tswana.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is tn.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : tn
ISO 639-2B : tsn
ISO 639-2T : tsn
ISO 639-3 : tsn

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: tsn

Freebase ISO 639-3 : tsn Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages