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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca


Èdè Yorùbá


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The Yoruba language (natively èdè Yorùbá) is a Niger–Congo language spoken in West Africa. The number of speakers of Yoruba was estimated at around 20 million in the 1990s. The native tongue of the Yoruba people is spoken, among other languages, in Nigeria, Benin, and Togo and in communities in other parts of Africa, Europe and the Americas. A variety of the language, Lucumi, from olukunmi is used as the liturgical language of the Santeria religion of Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and the United States. It is most closely related to the Owo and Itsekiri language (spoken in the Niger-Delta) and Igala spoken in central Nigeria.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Yoruba
[ak] Yoruba
[am] ዮሩባዊኛ
[ar] اليوروبية
[az] yoruba dili
[bm] yorubakan
[be] Ёруба, мова
[bn] ইওরুবা
[bs] jorubanski
[br] Yoroubeg
[bg] йоруба
[ca] Ioruba
[cs] jorubština
[cv] Йоруба
[cy] Iorwba
[da] yoruba
[de] Yoruba
[dz] ཡོ་རུ་བ་ཁ
[el] Γιορούμπα
[en] Yoruba language
[eo] Joruba lingvo
[et] joruba
[eu] Jorubera
[ee] yorubagbe
[fo] yoruba
[fa] زبان یوروبایی
[fi] Joruban kieli
[fr] Yoruba
[ff] Yorrubaa
[gd] Yoruba
[ga] Iarúibis
[gl] ioruba
[gu] યોરૂબા
[ha] Yarbanci
[he] יורובה
[hi] योरूबा
[hr] joruba
[hu] joruba
[ig] Yoruba
[id] Bahasa Yoruba
[is] jórúba
[it] Lingua yoruba
[ja] ヨルバ語
[kn] ಯೊರುಬಾ
[ks] یورُبا
[ka] იორუბა
[kk] Иоруба
[km] យរូបា
[ki] Kiyoruba
[ko] 요루바어
[lo] ໂຢລູບາ
[lv] jorubu
[ln] yoruba
[lt] Jorubų kalba
[lu] Nyoruba
[lg] Luyoruba
[ml] യൊറൂബാ
[mr] योरुबा
[mk] Јорупски јазик
[mg] Yôrobà
[mt] Joruba
[nd] isi-Yorubha
[ne] योरूवा
[nl] Yoruba
[nn] Yoruba
[nb] joruba
[no] Joruba
[or] ୟୋରୁବା
[pl] Język joruba
[pt] Língua iorubá
[qu] Yoruba simi
[rm] yoruba
[ro] yoruba
[rn] Ikiyoruba
[ru] Йоруба
[sg] Yoruba
[si] යොරූබා
[sk] jorubčina
[sl] jorubščina
[sn] chiYoruba
[so] Yoruuba
[es] Idioma yoruba
[sr] Јоруба
[sv] Yoruba
[ta] யொரூபா மொழி
[te] యోరుబా
[th] โยรูบา
[to] lea fakaʻiōlupa
[tr] Yoruba
[ug] يورۇباچە
[uk] Йоруба
[ur] یوروبا
[vi] Tiếng Yoruba
[wa] Yorouba
[yo] Èdè Yorùbá
[zh] 约鲁巴语
[zu] isi-Yoruba

Language type : Living

Language resources for Yoruba

Open Languages Archives

Yoruba Wikipedia
Wiktionary - Category:Yoruba language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:yoruba [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Yoruba.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is yo.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : yo
ISO 639-2B : yor
ISO 639-2T : yor
ISO 639-3 : yor

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: yor

Freebase ISO 639-3 : yor Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages