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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca


Bosanski jezik


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Bosnian is a standardized register of the Serbo-Croatian language, a South Slavic language, used by Bosniaks. Bosnian is one of the three official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina, along with Croatian and Serbian. Standard Bosnian is based on the most widespread dialect of Serbo-Croatian, Shtokavian, more specifically on Eastern Herzegovinian, which is also the basis of Standard Croatian, Serbian, and Montenegrin. Until the dissolution of SFR Yugoslavia, they were treated as a unitary Serbo-Croatian language, and that term is still used in English to subsume the common base (vocabulary, grammar and syntax) of what are today officially four national standards, although the term is no longer used by native speakers. The Bosnian standard uses both Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. Bosnian is notable amongst the varieties of Serbo-Croatian for having an eclectic assortment of Arabic, Turkish and Persian loanwords, largely due to the language's interaction with those cultures through Islamic ties. This is historically corroborated by the introduction and use of Arebica (Matufovica) as a successor script for the Bosnian language, replacing Bosnian Cyrillic (Bosančica) upon the introduction of Islam; first amongst the elite, then amongst the public. The Bosnian language also contains a number of Germanisms not often heard in Croatian or Serbian that have been in use since the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The first official dictionary in the Bosnian language, authored by Muhamed Hevaji Uskufi, was printed in the early 1630s, while the first dictionary in Serbian was printed only in the mid-19th century. Written evidence and records point to the Bosnian language being the official language of the country since at least the Kingdom of Bosnia, as further corroborated by the declaration of the Charter of Ban Kulin, one of the oldest written state documents in the Balkans and one of the oldest to be written in Bosančica.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Bosnies
[am] ቦስኒያንኛ
[ar] البوسنية
[az] Bosniya dili
[be] Баснійская мова
[bn] বসনীয়
[bs] Bosanski jezik
[br] bosneg
[bg] Бошняшки език
[ca] Bosnià
[cs] Bosenština
[cu] Босньскъ ѩꙁꙑкъ
[co] Lingua busniaca
[cy] Bosnieg
[da] bosnisk
[de] Bosnisch
[dz] བྷོས་ནི་ཡཱན་ཁ
[el] Βοσνιακά
[en] Bosnian language
[eo] Bosnia lingvo
[et] bosnia
[eu] Bosniera
[ee] bosniagbe
[fo] bosniskt
[fa] بوسنیایی
[fi] Bosnian kieli
[fr] Bosnien
[gd] Bosnais
[ga] An Bhoisnis
[gl] Lingua bosníaca
[gu] બોસ્નિયન
[ha] Bosniyanci
[sh] Bosanski jezik
[he] בוסנית
[hi] बोस्नियाई
[hr] Bošnjački jezik
[hu] Bosnyák nyelv
[hy] Բոսներեն
[ia] bosniaco
[id] Bahasa Bosnia
[is] bosníska
[it] Lingua bosniaca
[jv] Basa Bosnia
[ja] ボスニア語
[kn] ಬೋಸ್ನಿಯನ್
[ks] بوسنِیَن
[ka] ბოსნიური
[kk] Боснақ тілі
[km] បូស្នី
[rw] Inyebosiniya
[ky] боснияча
[kv] Босняк кыв
[ko] 보스니아어
[ku] Zimanê bosnî
[lo] ບຣອດນ້ຽນ
[lv] Bosniešu valoda
[lt] Bosnių kalba
[ml] ബോസ്നിയൻ
[mr] बॉस्नियन भाषा
[mk] Босански јазик
[mt] Bosnijan
[ms] Bahasa Bosnia
[my] ဘော့စ်နီးယား
[ne] बोस्नियाली
[nl] Bosnisch
[nn] bosnisk
[nb] bosnisk
[no] Bosnisk
[oc] Bosnian
[or] କାଟଲାନ୍
[om] Afaan Bosniyaa
[os] босниаг
[pl] Język bośniacki
[pt] Língua bósnia
[ps] بوسني
[qu] Busna simi
[rm] bosniac
[ro] Limba bosniacă
[ru] Боснийский язык
[si] බොස්නියානු
[sk] Bosniančina
[sl] Bosanščina
[se] Bosniagiella
[sm] Gagana Bosnia
[so] Boosniya
[st] Se-bosnia
[es] Idioma bosnio
[sq] Boshnjakisht
[sr] Босански
[sv] Bosniska
[ta] போசாங்கி மொழி
[te] బాస్నియన్
[tg] Босниягӣ
[tl] Wikang Bosniyo
[th] บอสเนีย
[ti] ቦስኒያን
[to] lea fakaposinia
[tn] SeBosnia
[tr] Boşnakça
[ug] بوسنىيە تىلى
[uk] Боснійська мова
[ur] بوسنی
[vi] Tiếng Bosnia
[xh] Isi-Bosnia
[yo] Èdè Bosnia
[zh] 波斯尼亚语
[zu] isi-Bosnian

Language type : Living

Official language : Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Language resources for Bosnian

Open Languages Archives

Bosnian Wikipedia
Bosnian Wiktionary
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:bosniaque [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]
Dictionnaires Lexicool [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Bosnian.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is bs.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : bs
ISO 639-2B : bos
ISO 639-2T : bos
ISO 639-3 : bos

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: bos

Freebase ISO 639-3 : bos Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages