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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Occitan (post 1500)



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Occitan, known also as Lenga d'òc by its native speakers, is a Romance language spoken in southern France, Italy's Occitan Valleys, Monaco, and Catalonia's Val d'Aran: the regions sometimes known unofficially as Occitania. It is also spoken in the linguistic enclave of Guardia Piemontese. Occitan is a descendant of the spoken Latin language of the Roman Empire, as are languages such as Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Romanian and Sardinian. It is an official language in Catalonia, (known as Aranese in Val d'Aran). Occitan's closest relative is Catalan. Since September 2010, the Parliament of Catalonia has considered Aranese Occitan to be the officially preferred language for use in the Val d'Aran. The term Provençal may be used as a traditional synonym for Occitan but, nowadays, “Provençal” is mainly understood as an Occitan dialect spoken in Provence. The long-term survival of Occitan is in question. According to the UNESCO Red Book of Endangered Languages, four of the six major dialects of Occitan are considered severely endangered, while the remaining two are considered definitely endangered.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Oksitaans
[ak] Occitan
[am] ኦኪታንኛ
[ar] الأوكيتانية
[an] Idioma occitán
[az] Oksitan dili
[ba] Окситан теле
[be] Аксітанская мова
[bn] অক্সিটান
[bs] Oksitanski jezik
[br] Okitaneg
[bg] Окситански език
[ca] Occità
[cs] Okcitánština
[ce] Oksitanhoyn mott
[cv] Окситан чĕлхи
[kw] Oksitanek
[co] Lingua occitanica
[cy] Ocsitaneg
[da] Occitansk
[de] Okzitanisch
[el] Οκσιτανικά
[en] Occitan (post 1500)
[eo] Okcitana lingvo
[et] Oksitaani keel
[eu] Okzitaniera
[fo] occitan
[fa] اوکیتایی
[fi] Oksitaani
[fr] Occitan
[gd] Ocseadanais
[ga] Ocatáinis
[gl] Lingua occitana
[gv] Ocsitaanish
[gn] Occitáno ñe'ẽ
[gu] ઓક્સિટન
[ha] Ositanci
[sh] Oksitanski jezik
[he] אוקסיטנית
[hi] ओसीटान
[hr] Okcitanski jezik
[hu] Okcitán nyelv
[hy] Ակվիտաներեն
[io] Ocitaniana linguo
[ia] Lingua occitan
[id] Bahasa Oksitan
[is] Oksítanska
[it] Lingua occitana
[ja] オック語
[kn] ಒಸಿಟನ್
[ks] اوکسیٖٹَن
[ka] ოციტანური
[kk] окситан
[km] អូសីតាន់
[rw] Inyogusitani
[kv] Окситан кыв
[kg] Kiunsita
[ko] 오크어
[ku] Zimanê oksîtanî
[lo] ອັອກຊີຕານ
[la] Lingua Occitanica
[lv] Oksitāņu valoda
[li] Occitaans
[ln] Liosita
[lt] Oksitanų kalba
[ml] ഒക്സിററൻ
[mr] ऑक्सितान भाषा
[mk] Окситански јазик
[mg] Fiteny ôksitana
[mt] Lingwa Oċċitanija
[ms] Bahasa Occitan
[na] Dorerin Occitan
[ne] अक्सिटन
[nl] Occitaans
[nn] Oksitansk språk
[nb] oksitansk
[no] Oksitansk
[oc] Occitan
[or] ଓସିଟାନ୍
[om] Afaan Occit
[os] Окситайнаг æвзаг
[pl] Język oksytański
[pt] Língua occitana
[ps] اوکسيټاني
[qu] Uqsitan simi
[rm] Lingua occitana
[ro] Limba occitană
[ru] Окситанский язык
[sk] Okcitánčina
[sl] Okcitanščina
[se] Oksitánagiella
[so] Okitaan
[st] Se-occitan
[es] Idioma occitano
[sq] Gjuha oksitaneze
[sc] Limba otzitana
[sr] Окситански језик
[su] Basa Occitan
[sw] Kioksitania
[sv] Occitanska
[ty] Reo Otitānia
[ta] ஆக்சிதம்
[tt] Провансаль теле
[te] ఆక్సిటన్
[th] ภาษาอ็อกซิตัน
[ti] ኦኪታንኛ
[tn] Occitan
[tr] Occitan
[uk] Окситанська мова
[ur] آکسیٹان
[vi] Tiếng Occitan
[vo] Loxitänapük
[wa] Occitan
[xh] Iso-Occitan
[yo] Èdè Occitani
[zh] 奥克语
[zu] Isi-Osithani

Language type : Living

Language resources for Occitan (post 1500)

Open Languages Archives

Occitan (post 1500) Wikipedia
Occitan (post 1500) Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Occitan language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:occitan [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Occitan (post 1500).
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is oc.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : oc
ISO 639-2B : oci
ISO 639-2T : oci
ISO 639-3 : oci

Linked Data URIs

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Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: oci

Freebase ISO 639-3 : oci Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages