Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca




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Ido is a language created to be a universal second language for speakers of diverse backgrounds. Ido was specifically designed to be grammatically, orthographically, and lexicographically regular, and above all easy to learn and use. In this sense, Ido is classified as a constructed international auxiliary language. Ido was created in 1907 out of a desire to reform perceived flaws in Esperanto, a language that had been created for the same purpose 20 years earlier. The name of the language traces its origin to the Esperanto word ido, meaning offspring, since the language is a descendant of Esperanto. After its inception, Ido gained support from some in the Esperanto community, but following the sudden death in 1914 of one of its most influential proponents, Louis Couturat, it declined in popularity. There were two reasons for this: first, the emergence of further schisms arising from competing reform projects; and second, a general lack of awareness of Ido as a candidate for an international language. These obstacles weakened the movement and it was not until the rise of the Internet that it began to regain momentum. Ido uses the same 26 letters as the English alphabet with no diacritics. It draws its vocabulary from French, Italian, Spanish, English, German, and Russian, and is largely intelligible to those who have studied Esperanto. Several works of literature have been translated into Ido, including The Little Prince and the Gospel of Luke. As of the year 2000, there were approximately 100–200 Ido speakers in the world.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Ido
[ar] الإيدو
[an] Ido
[az] ido dili
[bn] ইডো
[bs] ido
[br] ido
[bg] Идо
[ca] Ido
[cs] Ido
[da] Ido
[de] Ido
[el] Ίντο
[en] Ido
[eo] Ido
[et] Ido
[eu] Ido
[fa] ایدو
[fi] Ido
[fr] Ido
[fy] Ido
[ga] Ido
[gl] Ido
[gu] ઇડૌ
[sh] Ido
[he] אידו
[hi] इडौ
[hr] Ido
[hu] Ido nyelv
[hy] Իդո
[io] Ido
[ie] Ido
[ia] Ido
[id] Bahasa Ido
[is] Ido
[it] Lingua ido
[ja] イド語
[kn] ಇಡೊ
[ks] اِڈو
[ka] იდო
[ko] 이도
[ku] Ido
[lo] ອີໂດ
[la] Ido
[lv] Ido
[li] Ido
[lt] Ido
[lb] Ido
[ml] ഇഡോ
[mr] इडौ
[mk] Идо
[mt] Ido
[ms] Bahasa Ido
[nl] Ido
[nn] Ido
[nb] ido
[no] Ido
[oc] Ido
[or] ଇଡୋ
[pl] Ido
[pt] Ido
[rm] Ido
[ro] Ido
[ru] Идо
[sk] Ido
[sl] Ido
[es] Ido
[sq] Gjuha ido
[sc] Ido
[sr] Идо
[sw] Kiido
[sv] Ido
[ta] இடோ
[te] ఈడౌ
[th] ภาษาอิดอ
[tr] Ido
[uk] Ідо
[vi] Tiếng Ido
[vo] Ido
[zh] 伊多語

Language type : Constructed

Language resources for Ido

Open Languages Archives

Ido Wikipedia
Ido Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Ido language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:ido [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Ido.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is io.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : io
ISO 639-2B : ido
ISO 639-2T : ido
ISO 639-3 : ido

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: ido

Freebase ISO 639-3 : ido Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages