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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca


Hrvatski jezik


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Croatian (hrvatski jezik) is a standardized register of the Serbo-Croatian language used by Croats, principally in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Serbian province of Vojvodina and other neighbouring countries. It is the official and literary language of Croatia and one of the official languages of Bosnia-Herzegovina, and neighboring countries. Standard Croatian is based on the most widespread dialect of Serbo-Croatian, Shtokavian, more specifically on Eastern Herzegovinian, which is also the basis of Standard Serbian, Bosnian, and Montenegrin. The other Serbo-Croatian dialects spoken by Croats are Chakavian, Kajkavian, and Torlakian. These four dialects, and the four national standards, are usually subsumed under the term Serbo-Croatian in English, though this term is controversial for native speakers and paraphrases such as Bosnian-Croatian-Montenegrin-Serbian are therefore sometimes used instead, especially in diplomatic circles. Standardization began in the period sometimes called Baroque Slavism in the first half of the 17th century, while some authors date it back to the end of 15th century. The modern Neo-Shtokavian standard that appeared in the mid 18th century was the first unified Croatian literary language. Croatian is written in Gaj's Latin alphabet.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ab] Ахорват бызшәа
[af] Kroaties
[am] ክሮሽያንኛ
[ar] الكرواتية
[an] Idioma crovate
[az] Xorvat dili
[ba] Хорват теле
[be] Харвацкая мова
[bn] ক্রোয়েশীয় ভাষা
[bs] Hrvatski jezik
[br] Kroateg
[bg] Хърватски език
[ca] Croat
[cs] Chorvatština
[ce] Хорватийн мотт
[cu] Хръватьскъ ѩꙁꙑкъ
[cv] Хорват чĕлхи
[kw] Kroatek
[co] Lingua cruata
[cy] Croateg
[da] Kroatisk
[de] Kroatisch
[dv] Croatian language
[dz] ཀྲོ་ཨེ་ཤི་ཡཱན་ཁ
[el] Κροατικά
[en] Croatian language
[eo] Kroata lingvo
[et] Horvaadi keel
[eu] Kroaziera
[ee] kroatiagbe
[fo] Kroatiskt mál
[fa] زبان کرواتی
[fi] Kroatian kieli
[fr] Croate
[fy] Kroatysk
[gd] Cròthaisis
[ga] An Chróitis
[gl] Lingua croata
[gv] Croitish
[gn] Kyoasiañe'ẽ
[gu] ક્રોએશિયન ભાષા
[ha] Kuroshiyan
[sh] Hrvatski jezik
[he] קרואטית
[hi] क्रोएशन्
[hr] Hrvatski jezik
[hu] Horvát nyelv
[hy] Խորվաթերեն
[ie] Lingue croates
[ia] Lingua croate
[id] Bahasa Kroasia
[is] Króatíska
[it] Lingua croata
[jv] Basa Kroasia
[ja] クロアチア語
[kn] ಕ್ರೊಯೇಶಿಯನ್
[ks] کروشِیَن
[ka] ხორვატიული
[kk] хорват
[km] ក្រូអាត
[rw] Igikorowasiya
[ky] хорватча
[kv] Хорват кыв
[ko] 크로아티아어
[ku] Zimanê kroatî
[lo] ຄອດຕຽນ
[lv] Horvātu valoda
[li] Kroatisch
[ln] Likroasi
[lt] Kroatų kalba
[lb] Kroatesch
[ml] ക്രൊയേഷ്യൻ
[mr] क्रोएशियन भाषा
[mk] Хрватски јазик
[mt] Kroat
[mn] Хорват хэл
[ms] Bahasa Croatia
[my] ခရိုအေရှန်
[ne] क्रोएशियाली
[nl] Kroatisch
[nn] Kroatisk
[nb] kroatisk
[no] Kroatisk
[oc] Croat
[or] କ୍ରୋଆଟିଆନ୍
[om] Afaan Croatian
[os] Хорватаг æвзаг
[pl] Język chorwacki
[pt] Língua croata
[ps] کروواتي
[qu] Hurwat simi
[rm] croat
[ro] Limba croată
[ru] Хорватский язык
[si] ක්‍රෝයේශියානු
[sk] Chorvátčina
[sl] Hrvaščina
[se] Kroátiagiella
[sm] Gagana Croatian
[so] Koro'eeshiyaan
[st] Se-croatia
[es] Idioma croata
[sq] Gjuha kroate
[sc] Limba croata
[sr] Хрватски језик
[sw] Kikroatia
[sv] Kroatiska
[ta] குரோவாசிய மொழி
[tt] Хорват теле
[te] క్రొయెషియన్
[tg] Забони хорватӣ
[tl] Wikang Kroato
[th] ภาษาโครเอเชีย
[ti] ክሮሽያንኛ
[to] lea fakakuloisia
[tn] Croatian
[tk] Horwatça
[tr] Hırvatça
[ug] كرودىيە تىلى
[uk] Хорватська мова
[ur] کراتی
[uz] Xorvat tili
[vi] Tiếng Crô-a-ti-a
[vo] Kroasänapük
[wa] Crowate
[xh] Isi-Croatia
[yi] קראאטיש
[yo] Èdè Kroatíà
[zh] 克罗地亚语
[zu] IsiKrowati

Language type : Living

Official language : Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia,

Language resources for Croatian

Open Languages Archives

EuroVoc multilingual thesaurus in Croatian
GEMET multilingual thesaurus in Croatian

Croatian Wikipedia
Croatian Wiktionary
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:croate [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Dictionnaire Freelang [fr]
Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Lexilogos Dictionaries [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]
Dictionnaires Lexicool [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Croatian.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is hr.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : hr
ISO 639-2B : hrv
ISO 639-2T : hrv
ISO 639-3 : hrv

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: hrv

Freebase ISO 639-3 : hrv Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages