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A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Church Slavic

Словѣньскъ ѩꙁꙑкъ


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Old Church Slavonic, also known as Old Bulgarian or Old Church Slavic (often abbreviated to OCS; self-name словѣ́ньскъ ѩзꙑ́къ, slověnĭskŭ językŭ) was the first Slavic literary language. The 9th century Byzantine Greek missionaries Saints Cyril and Methodius are credited with standardizing the language and using it in translating the Bible and other Ancient Greek ecclesiastical texts as part of the Christianisation of the Slavic peoples. It is thought to have been based primarily on the dialect of the 9th century Byzantine Slavs living in the Province of Thessalonica. It played an important role in the history of the Slavic languages and served as a basis and model for later Church Slavonic traditions, and some Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic churches use Church Slavonic as a liturgical language to this day. It is also extremely important in the historical study of the Slavic languages, because it is quite similar to their unattested common parent language.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Kerkslawies
[ar] سلافية كنسية
[az] kilsə slav dili
[ba] Иҫке славян теле
[bn] চার্চ স্লাভিও
[bs] Staroslavenski jezik
[br] slavoneg iliz
[bg] Старобългарски език
[ca] Antic eslau
[cs] Staroslověnština
[cu] Словѣньскъ ѩꙁꙑкъ
[cv] Ватă славян чĕлхи
[cy] Hen Slafoneg Eglwysig
[da] Oldkirkeslavisk
[de] Altkirchenslawische Sprache
[el] Αρχαία εκκλησιαστική σλαβονική γλώσσα
[en] Bulgarian, Old
[eo] Malnovslava lingvo
[et] kirikuslaavi
[fa] اسلاوی کلیسایی
[fi] Muinaiskirkkoslaavi
[fr] Vieux-slave
[ga] Slavais na hEaglaise
[gl] eslavo eclesiástico
[gu] ચર્ચ સ્લાવિક
[sh] Staroslavenski jezik
[he] סלאבית כנסייתית עתיקה
[hi] चर्च साल्विक
[hr] Staroslavenski jezik
[hu] Óegyházi szláv nyelv
[id] Bahasa Gereja Slavonia Lama
[is] kirkjuslavneska
[it] Antico slavo ecclesiastico
[ja] 古代教会スラヴ語
[kn] ಚರ್ಚ್ ಸ್ಲಾವಿಕ್
[ks] چٔرچ سلاوِک
[ka] საეკლესიო სლავური
[kk] Шіркеу славян тілі
[kv] Важ славян кыв
[ko] 교회 슬라브어
[lo] ໂບດສລາວິກ
[la] Lingua Slavonica antiqua
[lv] Baznīcslāvu valoda
[lt] Senoji bažnytinė slavų kalba
[lb] Alslawesch Sprooch
[ml] ചർച്ച് സ്ലാവിക്
[mr] चर्च स्लाव्हिक
[mk] Старословенски јазик
[mt] Slaviku tal-Knisja
[nl] Kerkslavisch
[nn] kyrkjeslavisk
[nb] kirkeslavisk
[no] Gammelkirkeslavisk
[oc] Eslavon
[or] ଚର୍ଚ୍ଚ ସ୍ଲାଭିକ୍
[pl] Język staro-cerkiewno-słowiański
[pt] Antigo eslavo eclesiástico
[rm] slav da baselgia
[ro] slavonă
[ru] Старославянский язык
[sk] Staroslovienčina
[sl] Stara cerkvena slovanščina
[es] Antiguo eslavo eclesiástico
[sr] Старословенски језик
[sv] Fornkyrkoslaviska
[ta] சர்ச் ஸ்லாவிக்
[te] చర్చ స్లావిక్
[th] ภาษาโบสถ์สลาโวนิกโบราณ
[tr] Kilise Slavcası
[uk] Староцерковнослов'янська мова
[vi] Tiếng Slavơ Nhà thờ
[zh] 古教會斯拉夫語

Language type : Ancient

Language resources for Church Slavic

Open Languages Archives

Church Slavic Wikipedia
Wiktionary - Category:Old Church Slavonic language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:vieux slave [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Church Slavic.
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ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : cu
ISO 639-2B : chu
ISO 639-2T : chu
ISO 639-3 : chu

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Freebase ISO 639-3 : chu Country Information

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Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages