lingvoj.orgLinked Languages ResourcesA contribution to the Web of Databy Bernard Vatant, Mondeca |
KomiКоми кыв |
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The Komi language is a Uralic language spoken by the Komi peoples in the northeastern European part of Russia. Komi may be
considered a single language with several dialects, or a group of closely related languages, making up one of the two branches
of the Permic branch of the family. The other Permic language is Udmurt, to which Komi is closely related. Of the several
Komi dialects or languages, two major varieties are recognized, closely related to one another: Komi-Zyrian, the largest group,
serves as the literary basis within the Komi Republic; and Komi-Yodzyak, spoken by a small, isolated group of Komi to the
north-west of Perm Krai and south of the Komi Republic. Permyak (also called Komi-Permyak) is spoken in Komi-Permyak Okrug,
where it has literary status. |
Names (more)[af] Komi[ar] الكومي [az] komi dili [ba] Коми-зырян теле [bn] কোমি [bs] komi [br] Komieg-zirieg [bg] Коми [ca] komi [cs] Komi [ce] Komihoyn mott [cv] Коми чĕлхи [cy] Comi [da] komi [de] Komi [el] Κόμι [en] Komi language [et] Komi keel [fa] زبان کومی [fi] Komin kieli [fr] Komi [gv] Komish [gu] કોમી [he] קומי [hi] कोमी [hr] komi [hu] Komi nyelv [io] Komi-linguo [id] Komi [is] komíska [it] Lingua komi [ja] コミ語 [kn] ಕೋಮಿ [ks] کومی [kv] Коми кыв [ko] 코미어 [lo] ໂຄມິ [lv] komiešu [lt] Komių kalba [ml] കോമി [mr] कोमी [mk] Коми-зиријански јазик [mt] Komi [nl] Komi [nn] Komi [nb] komi [no] Syrjensk [or] କୋମି [os] Коми [pl] Język komi [pt] Língua komi [rm] komi [ro] komi [ru] Коми [sk] komijčina [sl] komijščina [se] Komigiella [es] Idioma komi [sr] Коми [sv] Komi [ta] கோமி மொழி [te] కోమి [th] ภาษาโคมิ [to] lea fakakomi [tr] Komi [uk] Комі [vi] Tiếng Komi [zh] 科米語 |
Language type : Living
Technical notes
This page is providing structured data for the language Komi. |
ISO 639 CodesISO 639-1 : kvISO 639-2B : kom ISO 639-2T : kom ISO 639-3 : kom Linked Data URIs More URIs at SourcesAuthority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: komFreebase ISO 639-3 : kom Country Information Publications Office of the European Union Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages |