Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca




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Thai, or more precisely Siamese or Central Thai, is the national and official language of Thailand and the native language of the Thai people, Thailand's dominant ethnic group. Thai is a member of the Tai group of the Tai–Kadai language family. Some words in Thai are borrowed from Pali, Sanskrit and Old Khmer. It is a tonal and analytic language. Thai also has a complex orthography and relational markers. Thai is mutually intelligible with Lao, though Lao speakers more easily understand Thai than Thai speakers understand Lao, because Lao speakers have more exposure to Thai.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Thai
[ak] Taeland kasa
[am] ታይኛ
[ar] التايلاندية
[az] Tay dili
[bm] tayikan
[be] тайская
[bn] থাই ভাষা
[bo] ཐའའི་ཡུལ་སྐད།
[bs] tajlandski
[br] thai
[bg] Тайски език
[ca] Tailandès
[cs] Thajština
[cy] Thai
[da] Thai
[de] Thailändisch
[dz] ཐཱའི་ཁ
[el] Ταϊλανδικά
[en] Thai language
[eo] Siama lingvo
[et] Tai keel
[eu] Thailandiera
[ee] tailandgbe
[fo] thailendskt
[fa] تایلندی
[fi] Thain kieli
[fr] Thaï
[ff] Taay
[gd] Tàidh
[ga] An Téalainnis
[gl] Lingua tai
[gv] Thaish
[gu] થાઈ
[ha] Thai
[he] תאי
[hi] थाई भाषा
[hr] Tajski jezik
[hu] Thai nyelv
[hy] Թայերեն
[ig] Taị
[io] Tai linguo
[ia] thai
[id] Bahasa Thai
[is] Taílenska
[it] Lingua thailandese
[jv] Basa Thai
[ja] タイ語
[kl] Thailandimiutut
[kn] ಥಾಯಿ
[ks] تھاے
[ka] ტაი ენა
[kk] Тай тілі
[km] ថៃ
[ki] Kitailandi
[rw] Igitayi
[ky] тайча
[kv] Таи кыв
[ko] 타이어
[lo] ພາສາໄທ
[la] Lingua Thai
[lv] Taju valoda
[ln] litaye
[lt] Tajų kalba
[lu] Ntailandi
[lg] Luttaayi
[ml] തായ്
[mr] थाई भाषा
[mk] тајландски
[mg] Fiteny thai
[mt] Tajlandiż
[ms] Bahasa Thai
[my] ထိုင်း
[nd] isi-Thayi
[ne] थाई
[nl] Thai
[nn] Thai
[nb] thai
[no] Thai
[oc] Tai
[or] ଥାଇ
[om] Afaan Tayii
[pa] ਥਾਈ
[pl] Język tajski
[pt] Língua tailandesa
[ps] تايلېنډي
[qu] Thay simi
[rm] tailandais
[ro] Limba thailandeză
[rn] Ikinyatayilandi
[ru] Тайский язык
[sg] Thâi
[sa] थाई भाषा
[si] තායි
[sk] Thajčina
[sl] tajščina
[se] ŧaigiella
[sn] chiThai
[so] Taaylandays
[st] Se-thai
[es] Idioma tailandés
[sq] Tajlandisht
[sr] Тајландски језик
[sw] Kithai
[sv] Thai
[ta] தாய்
[te] థాయ్
[tg] Забони таиландӣ
[th] ภาษาไทย
[ti] ታይኛ
[to] lea fakataileni
[tn] Thai
[tr] Tayca
[ug] تايلاندچە
[uk] Тайська мова
[ur] تھائی
[vi] Tiếng Thái
[xh] Isi-Thai
[yo] Èdè Tai
[za] Vahdai
[zh] 泰语
[zu] isi-Thai

Language type : Living

Official language : Thailand,

Language resources for Thai

Open Languages Archives

Thai Wikipedia
Thai Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Thai language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:thaï [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]
Dictionnaire Freelang [fr]
Omniglot encyclopedia [en]
Lexilogos Dictionaries [en]
Dictionnaires Lexilogos [fr]
Dictionnaires Lexicool [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Thai.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is th.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : th
ISO 639-2B : tha
ISO 639-2T : tha
ISO 639-3 : tha

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: tha

Freebase ISO 639-3 : tha Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages