Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca




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Dzongkha, occasionally Ngalopkha, is the national language of Bhutan. The word dzongkha means the language (kha) spoken in the dzong, – dzong being the fortress-like monasteries established throughout Bhutan by Shabdrung Ngawang Namgyal in the 17th century. Bhutani is not another name for Dzongkha, but the name of a Balochi language. The two are sometimes confused, even in some published ISO 639 codelists.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Dzongkha
[am] ድዞንግኻኛ
[ar] الزونخاية
[az] Dzonqxa
[be] Дзонг-кэ
[bn] ভুটানি
[bo] འབྲུག་པའི་སྐད།
[bs] džonga
[br] Boutaneg
[bg] Дзонгкха
[ca] dzongka
[cs] Dzongkä
[da] dzongkha
[de] Bhutanisch
[dz] རྫོང་ཁ
[el] Ντζόνγκχα
[en] Dzongkha
[eo] Dzonka lingvo
[et] Dzongkha keel
[eu] dzongkha
[ee] dzongkhagbe
[fo] dzongkha
[fa] جونخایی
[fi] Dzongkhan kieli
[fr] Dzongkha
[gl] dzongkha
[gv] Butaanish
[gu] ઝોંગખા
[he] דזונגקה
[hi] ज़ोन्गखा
[hr] Dzongkha jezik
[hu] butáni
[hy] Ձոնգքհա
[id] Bahasa Dzongkha
[is] dsongka
[it] Lingua dzongkha
[ja] ゾンカ語
[kn] ಜೋಂಗ್‌ಖಾ
[ks] زونٛگکھا
[kk] дзонг-кэ
[km] ភាសាប៊ូតាន
[ko] 종카어
[lo] ດີຊອງຄາ
[la] Lingua Dzongkha
[lv] Dzongke
[lt] Botijų kalba
[ml] ഭൂട്ടാനി
[mr] झोंगखा
[mk] Ѕонгка
[mt] Dżongka
[ms] Bahasa Jongkha
[my] ဒွန်ကာ
[ne] जोंगखा
[nl] Dzongkha
[nn] dzongkha
[nb] dzongkha
[no] Dzongkha
[or] ଭୂଟାନୀ
[pl] Dzongkha
[pt] Língua butanesa
[qu] Dzonkha simi
[rm] dzongkha
[ro] dzongkha
[ru] Дзонг-кэ
[sk] dzongkä
[sl] dzonka
[se] dzongkhagiella
[es] Idioma dzongkha
[sr] Џонга
[sv] Dzongkha
[ta] திஃசொங்கா மொழி
[te] జొన్ఖా
[tl] Wikang Dzongkha
[th] ซองคา
[to] lea fakaputeni
[tr] Butan Dili
[uk] Дзонг-ке
[ur] ژونگکھا
[vi] Tiếng Dzongkha
[zh] 宗喀語
[zu] isi-Dzongkha

Language type : Living

Official language : Bhutan,

Language resources for Dzongkha

Open Languages Archives

Dzongkha Wikipedia
Wiktionary - Category:Dzongkha language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:dzongkha [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Dzongkha.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is dz.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : dz
ISO 639-2B : dzo
ISO 639-2T : dzo
ISO 639-3 : dzo

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: dzo

Freebase ISO 639-3 : dzo Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages