Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca


Basa Sunda


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Sundanese (Basa Sunda, in Sundanese script ᮘᮞ ᮞᮥᮔ᮪ᮓ, literally language of Sunda) is the language of about 39 million people from the western third of Java or about 15% of the Indonesian population. It appears to be most closely related to Madurese and Malay, and more distantly related to Javanese. It has several dialects, conventionally described according to the locations of the people: Western dialect, spoken in the provinces of Banten & some parts of Lampung, Northern dialect, spoken in Bogor & northern coastal area of West Java, Southern or Priangan dialect, (Bandung & its surroundings), Mid-east dialect, spoken in Majalengka & Indramayu, Northeast dialect, spoken in Kuningan, Cirebon & Brebes (Central Java), and Southeast dialect, spoken in Ciamis, Banjar & Cilacap (Central Java). Priangan, which covers the largest area of Sunda (Tatar Pasundan in Sundanese), is the most widely spoken type of Sundanese language, taught in elementary till junior-high schools (equivalent to ninth-year school grade) in West Java and Banten Province.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[af] Sundanees
[am] ሱዳንኛ
[ar] السوندانية
[an] Idioma sundanés
[az] sundanca
[be] суданская
[bn] সুদানী
[bs] sudanski
[br] sundaneg
[bg] сундански
[ca] sundanès
[cs] sundanština
[cy] Sundaneg
[da] sundanesisk
[de] Sundanesisch
[dz] སཱུན་ད་ནིས་ཁ
[el] Σουδανικά
[en] Sundanese language
[eo] Sunda lingvo
[et] sunda
[eu] Sondanera
[ee] sudangbe
[fo] sundanesiskt
[fa] زبان سوندایی
[fi] Sundan kieli
[fr] Soundanais
[ga] Sundais
[gl] sondanés
[gu] સંડેનીઝ
[ha] Sundanese
[he] סודנית
[hi] सुंडानी
[hr] Sundski jezik
[hu] szundanéz
[hy] Սունդաներեն
[ia] sundanese
[id] Bahasa Sunda
[is] súndanska
[it] Lingua sondanese
[jv] Basa Sundha
[ja] スンダ語
[kn] ಸುಂಡಾನೀಸ್
[ks] سَنڈَنیٖز
[ka] სუნდური ენა
[kk] судан
[km] ស៊ូដង់
[rw] Inyesudani
[ky] сунданча
[ko] 순다어
[lo] ຊັນດານ
[lv] Sundu valoda
[lt] Sundų kalba
[ml] സുഡാനീസ്
[mr] सुंदानीज
[mk] сунданески
[mt] Sundaniż
[ms] Bahasa Sunda
[my] ဆူဒန်
[ne] सुडानी
[nl] Soendanees
[nn] sundanesisk
[nb] sundanesisk
[no] Sundanesisk
[or] ସୁଦାନୀଜ୍
[om] Afaan Sudaanii
[pl] Język sundajski
[pt] Língua sundanesa
[ps] سوډاني
[qu] Sunda simi
[rm] sundanais
[ro] sundaneză
[ru] Сунданский язык
[si] සන්ඩන්ස්
[sk] Sundčina
[sl] sundanščina
[so] Suudaaniis
[st] Se-sundanese
[es] Idioma sondanés
[sq] Sundanisht
[sr] Судански
[su] Basa Sunda
[sv] Sundanesiska
[ta] சுடானீஸ்
[te] సుడానీస్
[th] ซุนดา
[ti] ሱዳንኛ
[to] lea sanita
[tn] Mo/SeSundane
[tr] Sunda Dili
[ug] سۇندا تىلى
[uk] Сунданська мова
[ur] سنڈانیز
[vi] Tiếng Sunda
[xh] Isi-Sudanese
[yo] Èdè Sudani
[zh] 巽他語
[zu] isi-Sundanese

Language type : Living

Language resources for Sundanese

Open Languages Archives

Sundanese Wikipedia
Sundanese Wiktionary
Wiktionary - Category:Sundanese language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:soundanais [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Sundanese.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is su.

This page is marked up using RDFa,, and other linked open vocabularies. The raw RDF data can be extracted using the W3C RDFa Distiller.

Freebase search uses the Freebase API, based on ISO 639-3 codes shared by Freebase language records.

ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-1 : su
ISO 639-2B : sun
ISO 639-2T : sun
ISO 639-3 : sun

Linked Data URIs

More URIs at


Authority documentation for ISO 639 identifier: sun

Freebase ISO 639-3 : sun Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages