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by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca

Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)


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The Ottoman Turkish language or Ottoman language (لسان عثمانى‎ Lisân-ı Osmânî ) is the variety of the Turkish language that was used for administrative and literary purposes in the Ottoman Empire. It borrows extensively from Arabic and Persian, and was written in the Ottoman Turkish alphabet. Consequently, Ottoman Turkish was largely unintelligible to the less-educated lower-class and rural Turks, who continued to use kaba Türkçe (raw Turkish), which used far fewer foreign loanwords and which is the basis of the modern Turkish language. The Tanzimât era saw the application of the term Ottoman when referring to the language (لسان عثمانی‎ lisân-ı Osmânî  or عثمانلوجه‎ Osmanlıca ) and the same distinction is made in Modern Turkish (Osmanlıca  and Osmanlı Türkçesi ).
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ar] التركية العثمانية
[az] Osmanlı dili
[bn] অটোমান তুর্কি
[bs] Osmanlijski turski jezik
[bg] Османски турски език
[ca] Turc otomà
[cs] osmanská turečtina
[cy] Tyrceg Otoman
[da] Osmannisk-tyrkisk
[de] Osmanisch
[el] Οθωμανικά Τουρκικά
[en] Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)
[et] osmanitürgi
[fa] ترکی عثمانی
[fi] Osmanin kieli
[fr] Turc osmanli
[gu] ઓટોમાન તુર્કિશ
[he] טורקית עות'מאנית
[hi] ओटोमान तुर्किश
[hr] Osmanski turski jezik
[hu] Oszmán-török nyelv
[id] Bahasa Turki Utsmaniyah
[is] Ottoman Tyrkneska
[it] Lingua turca ottomana
[ja] オスマントルコ語
[kn] ಒಟ್ಟೋಮನ್ ತುರ್ಕಿಷ್
[ks] اوٹومَن تُرکِش
[ka] ოსმალური ენა
[kk] Османлы түрік тілі
[ko] 오스만 터키어
[ku] Zimanê osmanî
[lo] ຕູກີອອດໂຕມັນ
[lv] Osmaņu turku valoda
[lt] Turkų osmanų kalba
[ml] ഓട്ടോമൻ തുർക്കിഷ്
[mr] ओटोमान तुर्किश
[mk] Отомански турски јазик
[mt] Tork (Imperu Ottoman)
[ms] Bahasa Turki Uthmaniyyah
[nl] Osmaans
[nn] ottomansk tyrkisk
[nb] ottomansk tyrkisk
[no] Osmantyrkisk
[or] ଓଟ୍ଟୋମନ୍ ତୁର୍କିସ୍
[os] Осмайнаг æвзаг
[pl] Język osmańsko-turecki
[pt] Língua turca otomana
[rm] tirc ottoman
[ro] turcă otomană
[ru] Османский язык
[sk] osmanská turečtina
[sl] Osmanščina
[es] Turco otomano
[sq] Osmanishtja
[sr] Отомански турски језик
[sv] Osmanska
[ta] ஒட்டோமன் துர்க்கி
[te] ఒట్టోమన్ టర్కిష్
[th] ตุรกีออตโตมัน
[tr] Osmanlı Türkçesi
[ug] ئوسمانلى تۈركچىسى
[uk] Османська мова
[ur] عثمانی ترک زبان
[vi] Tiếng Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ Ottoman
[zh] 奥斯曼土耳其语

Language type : Ancient

Language resources for Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928)

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionary - Category:Ottoman Turkish language [en]
Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:turc ottoman [fr]

Freelang Dictionary [en]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Ottoman Turkish (1500-1928).
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is ota.

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