Linked Languages Resources

A contribution to the Web of Data
by Bernard Vatant, Mondeca



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Sandawe or Sandawi is a tonal language spoken by about 40,000 Sandawe people in the Dodoma region of Tanzania. Language use is vigorous among both adults and children, with people in some areas monolingual. Sandawe had generally been classified as a member of the defunct Khoisan family since Albert Drexel in the 1920s, due to the presence of clicks in the language. Recent investigations (Güldemann forthcoming) suggest that Sandawe may be related to the Khoe family regardless of the validity of Khoesan as a whole. A discussion of Sandawe's linguistic classification can be found in Sands (1998). Sandawe has two dialects, northwest and southeast. Differences include speaking speed, vowel dropping, some word taboo, and minor lexical and grammatical differences. Some Alagwa have shifted to Sandawe, and are considered a Sandawe clan. SIL International began work on Sandawe in 1996 and to date (2004), Daniel and Elisabeth Hunziker and Helen Eaton continue to work on the analysis of the language. They have so far produced a phonological description, a dialect survey report and several papers on aspects of grammar. Sandawe is also currently (since 2002) studied by Sander Steeman of Leiden University.
Source : DBpedia

Names (more)

[ar] السانداوي
[az] sandave dili
[bn] স্যান্ডাওয়ে
[bs] sandave
[br] sandawe
[bg] сандве
[ca] Sandawe
[cs] sandawština
[cy] Sandäweg
[da] sandawe
[de] Sandawe-Sprache
[el] Σαντάγουε
[en] Sandawe language
[et] sandave
[fa] سانداوه‌ای
[fi] sandawe
[fr] Sandawe
[gu] સોંડવે
[sh] Sandawe jezik
[he] סנדאווה
[hi] सन्डावे
[hr] Sandawe jezik
[hu] szandave
[id] Sandawe
[is] sandave
[it] Lingua sandawe
[ja] サンダウェ語
[kn] ಸಂಡಾವೇ
[ks] سَندَویے
[ko] 산다웨어
[lo] ຊັນດາວ
[lv] sandavu
[lt] sandavi
[ml] സാൻഡവേ
[mr] सँडवे
[mk] сандаве
[mt] Sandawe
[nl] Sandawe
[nn] sandawe
[nb] sandawe
[oc] Sandawe
[or] ସଣ୍ଡାୱେ
[pl] sandawe
[pt] Língua sandawe
[rm] sandawe
[ro] sandawe
[ru] Сандаве
[sk] sandawe
[es] Idioma sandavés
[sr] Сандаве
[sw] Kisandawe
[sv] Sandawe
[ta] சான்டாவே
[te] సండావి
[th] ซันดาเว
[tr] Sandave
[uk] сандаве
[vi] Tiếng Sandawe
[zh] 桑达韦语

Language type : Living

Language resources for Sandawe

Open Languages Archives

Wiktionnaire - Catégorie:sandawé [fr]

Technical notes

This page is providing structured data for the language Sandawe.
Following BCP 47 the recommended tag for this language is sad.

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ISO 639 Codes

ISO 639-2B : sad
ISO 639-2T : sad
ISO 639-3 : sad

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Freebase ISO 639-3 : sad Country Information

Publications Office of the European Union
Metadata Registry : Countries and Languages